Arhiva pentru categoria: Anunț

05.12.2024 |
Vizualizări: 437
On December 19th, 2024, in the frame of the visit to the Academy of Sciences of Moldova (ASM), Professor Klaus MAINZER, President of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts (EASA), Salzburg, Austria, will deliver the public lecture „Artificial Intelligence in Science and Education” at 1:00 p.m. The event is organized in a mixed format, with physical presence in the Small Hall of the ASM and online via ZOOM: (Meeting ID: 81421817694; Passcode: 997916). The public lecture will be live streamed by the Information Society...
11.08.2024 |
Vizualizări: 1524
From August 27th to August 31st, 2024, the Academy of Sciences of Moldova will host the Summer School "The Path to Scientific Discoveries". The event will bring together the best pupils and students passionate about science and technology and is organized with the aim of promoting scientific research activity and demonstrating the impact of science and innovation on everyday life and social well-being. The Summer School program includes lectures from various fields, such as medicine, nanotechnologies, information technologies, engineering, biology, social, economic and legal sciences etc. The...
27.06.2023 |
Vizualizări: 578
The Academy of Sciences of Moldova in collaboration with the Romanian Academy is organizing on June 28, 2023, the International Scientific Conference "Science and Art for Peace". The Conference will take place in the Blue Hall of the ASM, starting from 14:00. Program: Opening of the Conference Acad. Ion Tiginyanu, president of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova Acad. Ioan Aurel Pop, president of the Romanian Academy Welcome messages Prof. Klaus Mainzer, president of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts Ms. Olesya Yurchenko, first-secretary at the Embassy of Ukraine in the Republic of...
13.05.2023 |
Vizualizări: 1688
On June 13-15, 2023, “The Path to Scientific Discoveries" Summer School will be held at the Academy of Sciences of Moldova. The event is aiming to atract pupils and students passionate about science and technology and is organized within the European Researchers' Night 2022-2023 project, which aims to promote the scientific research and demonstrate the impact of science and innovation on everyday life and social well-being. The summer school is organized in cooperation with the Romanian Academy and the Moldova Young Academy. The lectures will be given by valuable researchers from the Republic...
16.11.2022 |
Vizualizări: 490
On November 22nd, 2022, at 11:00 a.m., the Academy of Sciences of Moldova and the Romanian Academy organize the International Scientific Conference "George Emil Palade - The Father of Modern Cell Biology" The event is dedicated to the commemoration of the scientist George Emil Palade, Laureate of the Nobel Prize for Medicine (1974), Member of the US Academy of Sciences (1961), Honorary Member of the Romanian Academy (1975), Knight of the National Order "Star of Romania" in the degree by Colan (2007). The scientist was born in 1912 in Iasi, Romania and died in 2008, in the USA. The Conference...
27.09.2022 |
Vizualizări: 510
International Conference on Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development and Peace devoted to the International Year of Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development (IYBSSD-2022; September 28th, 2022 Blue Hall, Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova The event will be live-streamed by the Institute of the Development of Informational Society: as well as by Privesc Eu: