Summer School „The Path to Scientific Discoveries”

Unique visitors: 4540

From August 27th to August 31st, 2024, the Academy of Sciences of Moldova will host the Summer School "The Path to Scientific Discoveries". The event will bring together the best pupils and students passionate about science and technology and is organized with the aim of promoting scientific research activity and demonstrating the impact of science and innovation on everyday life and social well-being.

The Summer School program includes lectures from various fields, such as medicine, nanotechnologies, information technologies, engineering, biology, social, economic and legal sciences etc. The List of speakers includes well known researchers from Moldova and abroad, as well as Nobel Laureates Prof. Konstantin NOVOSELOV from the University of Manchester, UK and Prof. Rattan LAL from the Ohio State University, USA , both honorary members of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova.

The Program of the Summer School is available here.

The lectures of the Summer School will be held in Romanian and English. Although it will be an event in a hybrid format, the number of places with a physical presence in the Blue Hall of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova is limited, and participants are selected according to the level of knowledge of the English language and the motivation presented in the admission form. Aspirants are invited to register by completing the Online Form by August 15, 2024. This event is an excellent opportunity for active, creative and eager students to gain new knowledge and a special opportunity to make an exciting foray into the world of science. Interaction with renowned researchers from various fields of science and colleagues from different institutions will help them to understand the concepts and mysteries of science more deeply, being a conscious step to embrace a career in research in the future. The summer school is organized by the Academy of Sciences of Moldova in cooperation with the Romanian Academy and the Moldova Young Academy.


Dr. Tudor Braniste,

Management Academic and International Cooperation Section of Academy of Sciences of Moldova,

Moldova Young Academy

