Scientific communication platforms

Scientific communication platforms

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The research and discussion platforms are aiming at an efficient scientific dialogue within the academic community and between researchers and society, being a widely implemented practice in many research centers.

Seven communication platforms are currently approved within the Academy of Sciences of Moldova:

  • ,,Ecological security in the context of accelerated environmental changes” (coordinator: c. m. Maria Nedealcov, since March 2021 the platform is coordinated by the c. m. Elena Zubcov);
  • ,,Food Security and Food Safety” (coordinator: dr. hab., prof. Rodica Sturza);
  • ,,Economic security, migration and demographic transformations” (coordinators: acad. Grigore Belostecinic and c.m. Alexandru Stratan);
  • ,,Strokes” (coordinator: acad. Stanislav Groppa);
  • ,,New type of coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 and interference with other diseases” (coordinator: acad. Eva Gudumac).
  • Basic sciences for sustainable development of the society” (coordinator: Prof. Vladimir Fomin)
  • „Education in societiy” (coordinator: c. m., Prof. Ion GAGIM)

The first communication platform ,,Ecological security in the context of accelerated environmental changes” was launched on October 11, 2019, during which c.m. Maria Nedealcov, member of the Life Sciences Section of the ASM, gave a lecture on ,,Space-time variability of weather and climate risks” providing unique opportunities for debates on pressing issues of contemporary society.

Withal, in the context of the approach of the General Prosecution Office of the Republic of Moldova, Environmental fraud and public interest crimes investigation unit, who requested information on the state of affairs and the evolutionary dynamics of flora and fauna in the Republic of Moldova, including the efficiency of protection measures developed and applied by the authorities, on December 5, 2019, at the Academy of Sciences was held the ,,Evolution in dynamics and current state of flora and fauna in the Republic of Moldova” Round Table. The event was organized by the ASM in cooperation with the Institute of Ecology and Geography, Institute of Zoology, ,,Alexandru Ciubotaru” National Botanical Garden (Institute) of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Research.

Within the same platform, on May 12, 2020, the Academy of Sciences of Moldova organized the online public lecture ,,Reducing the negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and drought in agriculture”. The lecture was given by the research professor Boris Boincean, dr.hab. in agricultural sciences, interim director of the ,,Selection” Research Institute for Field Crops, member of the Life Sciences Section of the ASM. Recommendations for mitigating the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and drought on agriculture and food security, developed on the basis of the scientific platform ,,Ecological security in the context of accelerated environmental changes” are available here. (

On the same platform, on February 12, 2021, dr. hab. in biology, professor, c.m. Elena Zubcov, head of the Hydrobiocenosis and Ecotoxicology Research Center of the Institute of Zoology, gave a public lecture in online format entitled ,,Study of the ecological status of the Dniester river ecosystem”, presenting valuable information regarding the current ecological status of the Dniester river ecosystem, the shock at the sight of what is happening downstream of Naslavcea. In her lecture,  c. m. Elena Zubcov came up with some results of the investigations of the two laboratories, as well as with proposals for improving the existing situation. The public lecture is available here. (

In connection with the passage into eternity of c. m. Maria Nedealcov, who initiated in September 2019 and coordinated the platform ,,Ecological security in the context of accelerated environmental changes”, starting with March 2021, the coordination of the platform in question was taken over by c.m. Elena Zubcov.

On May 27, 2021, in connection with the marking of the Dniester River Day on May 28, the corresponding member of the ASM Elena Zubcov, member of the Life Sciences Section of the ASM, was invited to the ,,Public Space” show's studio on Radio Moldova, moderated by journalist Tatiana Fiser. The show is available here.



The platform ,,Food security and food safety” is coordinated by the dr. hab. in chemistry, professor Rodica Sturza, member of the Exact and Engineering Sciences Section of the ASM. The platform was launched on 10 March, 2020, at the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, by giving the public lecture ,,Food safety and security - an existential problem”.

The ,,Food security and food safety” platform is initiated to foster closer collaboration between industry and academic environment, as well as capacity building in the field. The food security of the population is one of the constitutional human rights. Food safety involves reducing the risk of food contamination by technogenic or natural contaminants, accidentally introduced contaminants, inadequate food handling or abusive commercial practices. This platform opens the possibility to discuss issues related to the imminent challenges in food security and food safety by sharing and promoting the experience from a global perspective; the technical challenges facing the industry and how it would like the academic environment to contribute to addressing these challenges; technological progress in the academic environment that can help address food safety challenges; different nutrition patterns and their impact on health, well-being and life expectancy; exchange of ideas with experts and leaders from regulatory bodies, industry, academic community, training specialists.

The ,,Food security and food safety” platform will provide consumers, producers, commercial workers and food quality and safety supervisors, researchers and trainers with the opportunity to exchange views, thus becoming drivers for future food systems, including by co-designing research programs and agendas.

On June 23, 2021, in the framework of the ,,Food security and food safety” platform, coordinated by prof. Rodica Sturza, was organized the ,,Food security through the association with the EU Horizon Europe Program” Workshop, held in online format, with a small presence of participants.

During the workshop, the following communications were presented: ,,Peculiarities of salt, sugar and trans fats consumption in the Republic of Moldova" (PhD, associate professor Aurica Chirsanov), ,,Nutritional approaches in eradicating disorders related to gluten consumption”(PhD, assoc. prof. Rodica Siminiuc) and ,,Opportunities to join European research and innovation programs”(Dr. Hab., Prof. Rodica Sturza).

Prof. Rodica Sturza came up with recent information on the field of accession to the Horizon Europe 2021–2027 Framework Program for Research and Innovation, emphasizing that the Program is aimed at the strengthening of the scientific and technological bases of the EU and the European Research Area; stimulating the capacity for innovation, competitiveness and job creation, new skills, appropriate to the level of technology development; addressing citizens' priorities and supporting the socio-economic model and values; bringing together key actors around the common goal of stimulating the innovation. The Horizon Europe Program focuses on three interconnected pillars, namely: support for scientific excellence, Marie Sclodowska Curie actions and research infrastructures; supporting research that addresses societal challenges and information technologies in areas such as: health, security, climate, energy, natural resources, food safety, included in 6 main clusters; establishment of the European Innovation Council with a view to stepping up the innovation.

The communications of the ,,Food security through the association with the EU Horizon Europe Program” Workshop,  held on June 23, 2021 under the ,,Food security and food safety” Platform can be accessed here. (

The platform ,,Economic security, migration and demographic transformations” is coordinated by the acad. Grigore Belostecinic and c. m. Alexandru Stratan, members of the Social, Economics, Humanities and Arts Sciences Section of the ASM. The scientific platform was launched on May 5, 2020, at the Academy of Sciences of Moldova. The public lecture ,,Competitiveness of the Republic of Moldova: trends and challenges” was given online by acad. Grigore Belostecini, dr.hab. in economics, university professor, rector of AESM and c. m. Alexandru Stratan, dr.hab.  in economics, university professor, director of the National Institute of Economic Research of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Research.

The proposals stated by the rapporteurs were forwarded to the Government, the Parliament and the Presidency of the Republic of Moldova.

The consolidation of a functional, competitive and efficient economy, stable from a macro-economic and financial point of view, with a substantial growth rate and a functional adaptation to possible risks, is an important pillar of the economic security of the Republic of Moldova. The main internal risk factors for economic security are: the persistence of economic, financial and social problems, generated by the delay in completing structural reforms; maintaining the shadow economy at significant levels; poor management of public resources; low efficiency of state institutions in eradicating the economic fraud; corruption, underdevelopment of infrastructure; emigration of specialists from different fields and economic sectors, etc. In this context, the scientific substantiation of the mechanisms for ensuring the economic security of the Republic of Moldova, including its main elements (financial security, food security, energy security, technological and industrial security, ecological and information security), comprehensive diagnosis and forecasting of economic dynamics as methodological basis for determining the attractiveness of investments will contribute to strengthening the economic security system, aimed at detecting threats to the economic security of the state, taking measures to prevent and mitigate risks in the real sector of the economy, maintaining an appropriate level of socioeconomic potential and ensuring favorable economic conditions for social development.

The high level of population emigration from the Republic of Moldova presents an important risk factor for the economic, social and demographic security of the Republic of Moldova, which requires continuous monitoring, development of mechanisms and solutions to reduce and regulate migration processes, labor market development, stimulating entrepreneurship and quality jobs ‘creation, increasing labor productivity.

In the coming decades, the demographic factor will have an important impact on socio-economic development, in particular the reduction of the population, including in working age and demographic aging, leading to the need to promote special policies in line with the demographic structure. In this context, continuous monitoring and research on demographic change will contribute to achieving the general objective of governing the living standards of the population, creating the conditions for consolidating human capital, as well as the consistent recovery of the population reproduction process, reducing demographic decline, realizing the connection between the state of demographic, economic and social security for the purpose of development.

Within this platform, on May 19, 2020, at the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, took place the online public lesson ,,European Union: supranational versus national-state - a challenge in the conditions of the pandemic”, given by dr.hab. in political sciences Victor Juc, university professor, member of the Social, Economics, Humanities and Arts Sciences Section of the ASM, director of the Institute of Legal, Political and Sociological Research of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Research. The public lesson highlighted the topics related to the reflection of the complex post-crisis processes of COVID-19 and the relations between the European Union and the Republic of Moldova.

,,The platform of excellence in stroke research” is coordinated by acad. Stanislav Groppa, dr. hab. in medical sciences, university professor, member of the Life Sciences Section of the ASM. In the opinion of acad. Stanislav Groppa, stroke is an acute neurological problem, resulting from blockage, lack of blood flow or blood vessel rupture (hemorrhage). Prospective studies show that this condition increases year by year, both in incidence and prevalence, the experts of the World Health Organization considering that strokes will become by 2030 the main cause of mortality. The Republic of Moldova is in the top ten places in the world in terms of the stroke incidence. Stroke mortality is three to four times higher in our country than in European Union countries. These negative statistics are related not only to the economic level of the country, but also to the health system in the Republic of Moldova, which does not pay enough attention to these patients and which does not focus on primary and secondary prevention. According to statistics, stroke is the main cause of disability in the adult population of the Republic of Moldova, 13% of stroke patients are of working age. Stroke is the second leading cause of dementia and the most common cause of epilepsy in the elderly, as well as a common cause of depression. Stroke is a real health problem, not only because of the high mortality rate, but also because of the consequences on the motor and cognitive performance of survivors. Stroke sequelae can have catastrophic effects on the quality of life of the patient and his family.

In the economically developed countries in the last four decades is registered a 40% reduction in the mortality of stroke patients, while in the Republic of Moldova, in recent years, there has been an increase in the number of deaths related to strokes. Unfortunately, in the Republic of Moldova, every year more than 12,000 people develop strokes, of which about 35% die in the acute period of the disease. The incidence of stroke is 2.5-3.0 cases per 1000 population per year. In our country there are over 80,000 patients who have suffered a stroke, every 1 hour someone suffers a stroke, every 1.5 hours someone dies because of a stroke.

The launch of the research platform and effective scientific dialogue ,,Platform of Excellence in Stroke Research” took place on May 28, 2021, at 15.00, through the public lecture given by the coordinator of the scientific platform, academician Stanislav Groppa, dr. hab. in medical sciences, university professor, member of the Life Sciences Section of the ASM, manager of scientific research at the ,,Nicolae Testemitanu” State University of Medicine and Pharmacy.

As coordinator of the platform, acad. S. Groppa presented its ten key points, as follows:

  • Awareness of the stroke problem by society and organization of the emergency service;
  • Estimation of clinical polymorphism of risk factors, elaboration of preventive strategies;
  • Elaboration of principles and implementation of personalized medicine in stroke prevention;
  • Regionalization of the stroke assistance service;
  • Creation of interdisciplinary Stroke Units;
  • Organizing the rehabilitation service and community support;
  • Involvement in post-stroke social life, life after a stroke continues;
  • Awareness that stroke is a medical-biological, psychological, social and economic-financial problem;
  • Research, innovation and implementation as important solutions to stroke problems;
  • Stroke is a multidisciplinary problem, the solution of which requires a high level of culture of society.

Acad. Stanislav Groppa stressed the importance of the platform launched on May 28, albeit belatedly due to existing pandemic conditions, a platform that aims to support the expansion of regional treatment systems and the quality of hospital operations and services, facilitating the analysis of the effectiveness of the functioning of the health system in stroke assisting etc.

The public lecture given by acad. Stanislav Groppa and the launch event of the ,,Platform of Excellence in Stroke Research” on May 28, 2021 can be accessed here.



National Program for Population Health Security of the Republic of Moldova. On April 28, 2020, for the first time, the Academy of Sciences of Moldova organized the online Scientific Symposium, dedicated to the COVID-19 pandemic ,,COVID-19 pandemic: scientific support or what we need to know about SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus and pandemic”.


The Symposium was attended by Commission experts in medicine established by ASM, among which:acad. Eva Gudumac, dodr.hab. in medical sciences, university professor, member of the Life Sciences Section of the ASM, well-known expert in the field of thoracic surgery, President of the Commission of Experts; Emil Ceban, university professor, dr.hab. in medical sciences, rector of the ,,Nicolae Testemitanu” State University of Medicine and Pharmacy ; acad. Stanislav Groppa, dr.hab. in medical sciences, university professor, member of the Life Sciences Section of the ASM, vice-rector for the research activity of the ,,Nicolae Testemitanu” State University of Medicine and Pharmacy; c.m. Viorel Prisacari, dr.hab. in medical sciences, university professor, member of the Life Sciences Section of the ASM, head of the Department of Epidemiology of the ,,Nicolae Testemitanu” State University of Medicine and Pharmacy ; Constantin Spinu, university professor, dr.hab. in medical sciences, head of the Research and Innovation Department of the National Agency for Public Health; Gheorghe Placinta, dr.hab. in medical sciences, associate professor, head of the Department of Infectious Diseases of the ,,Nicolae Testemitanu” State University of Medicine and Pharmacy.

Scientists, esteemed experts, epidemiologists, presented the current epidemiological situation, analyzed the behavior of the new type of coronavirus, came up with proposals and recommendations. As a result of the Symposium, acad. Groppa proposed the elaboration of a National Program for the Health Security of the Population of the Republic of Moldova in the fight against the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which will serve as the foundation for a scientific communication and dialogue platform.


The ,,New type of coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 and interference with other diseases” communication platform was launched following the decision of the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova of June 28, 2021, and is coordinated by academician Eva GUDUMAC, dr. hab. in medical sciences, university professor, deputy coordinator of the Life Sciences Section of the ASM.


The purpose of the communication platform is to strengthen and coordinate studies in the field of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus by researchers from our country to prevent and reduce the evolutionary risks of complications, sequelae and chronicity of various organs and systems in patients with COVID-19 infection by developing post-Covid-19 screening programs, specialized clinical-exploratory diagnosis and differentiated treatment and recovery methods.


The objectives of the communication platform are the following:

  • Identification of patients at risk of complications and post-Covid-19 sequel by clinical-anamnestic screening methods at the primary and inpatient level of care;
  • Clinical exploratory evaluation of patients at risk of complications, sequel and chronicity of various organs and systems in the post-Covid-19 evolutionary stages;
  • Research of immune-biochemical, microbiological, serological, neuron-biological laboratory markers with prognostic potential for the risk of developing complications, sequel and diseases with chronic characteristics at the evolutionary stages of SARS Cov-2 infection;
  • Assessment by imaging, functional techniques of lesions of organs and systems affected in SARS CoV-2 infection, for an early diagnosis of post-Covid-19 complications and sequel;
  • Elaboration of differentiated medical conduct programs, directions of treatment and personalized recovery of patients who have suffered SARS-CoV-2 infection;
  • Development of prognostic criteria for the risk of complicated developments and chronic diseases in children who have suffered from SARS-CoV-2 infection;
  • Creating the national register of patients who had complications, sequel, chronic diseases in the post-Covid-19 stages;
  • Collaboration with international medical research institutions in the field of SARS-CoV-2 infection.


Within this recently formalized platform, but which has operated at the ASM since 2020, several scientific events took place - round tables, conferences, debates on radio and TV shows on the issue of the new type of coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (see


All public lessons held within the scientific platforms launched by the ASM are available online at and


The creation of scientific communication platforms, which the Academy of Sciences of Moldova initiated and launched in 2019 is in a continuous process of formation and development.