Basic sciences for sustainable development of the society

The platform “Basic sciences for sustainable development of the society” was initiated according to the decision of the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova from 11.01.2021, with a goal of evidencing the importance of basic research in the context of XXI century challenges, in lines with proclamation of the 2022 as a Year of Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development (IYBSSD)

The basic sciences represent a background for understanding the origins of matter, the interactions and laws that govern the Universe and help the researchers to understand how the mechanical and life systems and processes are functioning. Basic sciences also offer opportunities to face challenges related to access to food, energy, health services, communication technologies, etc. The contribution of the fundamental sciences – physics, mathematics, chemistry, biology, medicine, etc. – became especially evident in the last two years, when the world faced the COVID-19 pandemic. Significant in this regard is the public lecture "The Importance of Basic Science in Medical Advances", delivered online on June 12, 2020 by Professor Randy Schekman from the University of California/Berkeley (USA), Nobel Prize Laureate (

An important objective of the platform is to draw the attention of politicians, the business environment, international organizations, charity funds, universities, media institutions and the general public to the importance of the development of basic sciences for the elaboration of new concepts and technologies that would enable societies and mankind in general to face the challenges of the 21st Century. At the same time, the platform will give scientists the opportunity to evaluate more deeply how they promote research results and science in general, to become more transparent in communicating with the general public in order to win the credibility and support of society.

The platform is coordinated by Professor Vladimir Fomin, Honorary Member of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, doctor habilitate in physical and mathematical sciences, from the Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research (IFW), Dresden, Germany, Honorary Member of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova.

The platform was launched on January 25 through the presentation by Mr. Fomin of a public lesson in online format (

Another event was organized within the Platform on February 11, 2022 with the presentation of two public lectures entitled "Organization and financing of scientific research in Germany" and „The role and importance of basic science in the 21st century”

A major event, organized within the Platform, was the International Conference on September 28, 2022, with the generic "Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development and Peace", dedicated to the International Year of Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development. The conference was opened with the inaugural speech of acad. Ion Tighineanu, which highlighted the importance of basic sciences and came up with some examples of significant achievements in fundamental research, including from the Republic of Moldova.

Outstanding scientific personalities from 7 countries, including France, Romania, USA, Belgium, Great Britain, Japan, Germany, participated in the conference online.

Greetings with good wishes and updated information were provided by Dr. Luc Allemand from Paris, France, General Secretary of the International Year of Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development Agenda, who presented the communication „The goal and the Agenda of the International Year of Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development” (; dr. Anne Haglund-Morrissey, Deputy Head of Unit- Horizon Europe Association – DG Research and Inovation, Europen Commission; acad. Ioan-Aurel Pop, Prezident of the Romanian Academy; dr. Luminița Drumea, Deputy General Secretary of the National Commission of the Republic of Moldova for UNESCO.

During the event, the Anthem of Sustainable Development The Blue Planetwas launched, the author of the music and lyrics being the composer Constantin Rusnac, Doctor Honoris Causa of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova.

As General Secretary of the National Commission of the Republic of Moldova for UNESCO, composer Constantin Rusnac presented his communication at the conference Culture and its role in sustainable development”.

Prof. Masakazu Kimura, director of the Research Institute of Electronics of the Shizuoka University, Japan, came up with the online presentation of the research infrastructure and the most important research results in the field of basic science performed in this higher education institution.

Prof. Richard J. Roberts, Laureate of the Nobel Prize in Medicine (2013), New England Biolabs, USA addressed the subject Importance of basic science in the field of biomedicine

The contribution of this important field in the advancement of treatment for the infection of COVID-19 was highlighted.

Prof. Rattan Lal, Laureate of the Nobel Peace Prize (2007), and of the World Food Prize (2020), from the Carbon Management and Sequestration Center - OARDC at The Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio, presented the communication entitledBasic science in relations with soil management in agriculture – a slotion to adaptation and mitigation of climate change, emphasizing the need for a transdisciplinary approach to the problem of global warming, through closer cooperation between experts from different scientific disciplines.

This presentation was complimented by a communication of prof. Boris Boincean, the director of the Selectia Research Institute of Field Crops, Bălţii, Moldova, who has been cooperating with Professor Ratan Lal for several years.

Prof. Victor Juc, director of the Institute of Legal, Political and Sociological Research, entitled his communication „Peace and security in the context of the global conflict model”.

  At the international conference, the opinions of some scientific personalities from the country and from abroad were also presented regarding the importance of basic science for sustainable development, such as Prof. Randy Schekman, Laureate of the Nobel Prize in Medizine (2007), University of California/Berkeley, USA; Prof. Konstantin Novoselov, Laureate of Nobel Prize in Physics (2010), University of Manchester, UK; acad. Isaac Bersuker, University of Texas, USA; acad Leonid Culiuc, Institute of Applied Physics; c. m. Constantin Gaindric, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics „Vladimir Andrunachievici”; c. m. Alexandru Stratan, Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova; prof. Vladimir Fomin, Honorary Member of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, coordinator of the Platform Basic science for sustainable development of the society”.

The International Conference with the generic "Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development and Peace" ended with the approval of a Resolution. At the same time, based on the statutory provisions, it was proposed to create within the Academy of Sciences of Moldova the Support Center for national and international interdisciplinary projects, aiming to strengthen the efforts related to the support and promotion of fundamental research.

The opinion of Prof. Hermann Suderow,  Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Fellow of the American Physical Society about the importance of basic sciences for sustainable development:

The opinion of Prof. Francesco Tafuri, University of Napoli Federico II, National Coordinator of the Italian PhD program on “Quantum Technologies” about the importance of basic sciences for sustainable development:

The opinion of Prof. Robert Schlögl, President of Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Germany, about the importance of basic sciences for sustainable development:

The opinion of Prof. Dieter Bimberg, TU Berlin, about the importance of basic sciences for sustainable development:


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