Summer School "The Path to Scientific Discoveries"

Unique visitors: 2894

On June 13-15, 2023, “The Path to Scientific Discoveries" Summer School will be held at the Academy of Sciences of Moldova. The event is aiming to atract pupils and students passionate about science and technology and is organized within the European Researchers' Night 2022-2023 project, which aims to promote the scientific research and demonstrate the impact of science and innovation on everyday life and social well-being.

The summer school is organized in cooperation with the Romanian Academy and the Moldova Young Academy. The lectures will be given by valuable researchers from the Republic of Moldova, Romania and other countries. The participants will have the unique opportunity to listen to the lectures of the Nobel Prize laureates: Professor Hiroshi Amano from Japan and Professor Richard Roberts from the USA.

The lectures during the Summer School will be held in Romanian and English. Although it will be a hybrid format event, the number of places with physical presence is limited and participants will be selected according to the level of knowledge of the English language and their motivation. Interested persons are invited to register by completing the online Form by 30 May 2023. The event agenda will be available in due course.

The summer school "The path to scientific discoveries" is organized with the financial support of the European Commission, within the project European Researchers` Night 2022-2023 "GreenSCI - Green science for a healthy society" (GA 101060678), implemented by the Technical University of Moldova, Academy of Sciences of Moldova, "Alecu Russo" State University from Balti and AO InfoGroup.

This event is an excellent opportunity for active and creative pupils and students to gain new knowledge and a special opportunity to make an exciting incursion into the world of science. Interaction with researchers from different fields of science, with colleagues from different schools and will help them to understand more deeply the notions and mysteries of science, being a conscious step to embrace a career in research in the future.



