International Conference on Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development and Peace

Unique visitors: 1934

International Conference on Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development and Peace

devoted to

the International Year of Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development



September 28th, 2022

Blue Hall, Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova


The event will be live-streamed by the Institute of the Development of Informational Society:

as well as by Privesc Eu:



10:00 Opening of the Conference

Prof. Ion TIGINYANU, President, Academy of Sciences of Moldova

Dr. Luc ALLEMAND, Secretary General, IYBSSD-2022, France


10:05 Welcome addresses


  • Dr. Anne HAGLUND-MORRISSEY, Deputy Head of Unit, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, European Commission
  • Acad. Ioan-Aurel POP, President of the Romanian Academy                                   
  • Dr. Luminița DRUMEA, Deputy Secretary General of the National Commission of the Republic of Moldova for UNESCO


10:20 Dr. Luc ALLEMAND, Secretary General, IYBSSD-2022, France

The goal and agenda of the International Year of Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development


10:35 Prof. Constantin RUSNAC, Secretary General of the National Commission of the Republic of Moldova for UNESCO

Promotion of Culture and Science for Sustainable Development and Peace


10:45 The blue planet: Anthem of sustainable development. Author – Prof. Constantin RUSNAC, Secretary General of the National Commission of the Republic of Moldova for UNESCO


10:50 Prof. Masakazu KIMURA, Director of the Research Institute of Electronics, Shizuoka University, Japan

Basic science at the Research Institute of Electronics, Shizuoka University


11:05 Prof. Richard J. ROBERTS, Nobel Laureate in Medicine (1993), New England Biolabs, USA

Importance of basic research in the field of biomedicine


11:10 Prof. Rattan LAL, Laureate of the Nobel Peace Prize (2007) and of the World Food Prize (2020), Center for Carbon Management and Sequestration, The Ohio State University, USA

Basic Sciences in Relation to Making Soil Management and Agriculture a Solution to Adaptation and Mitigation of Climate Change


11.25 Prof. Boris BOINCEAN, Research Institute for Field Crops “Selecția”, Republic of Moldova

Basic Sciences in Relation to Soil Management in Agriculture


11:35 On the importance of basic sciences: Opinion of researchers from various fields (short contributions, videos)

  • Prof. Randy SCHEKMAN, Nobel Laureate in Medicine (2013), University California/Berkeley, USA
  • Prof. Konstantin NOVOSELOV, Nobel Laureate in Physics (2010), University of Manchester, UK
  • Prof. Isaac BERSUKER, University of Texas, USA
  • Prof. Leonid KULYUK, Institute of Applied Physics, Republic of Moldova
  • Prof. Constantin GAINDRIC, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Republic of Moldova
  • Prof. Alexandru STRATAN, Academy of Economic Studies, Republic of Moldova
  • Prof. Vladimir FOMIN, Coordinator of the communication platform “Basic sciences for the sustainable development of society”, Germany


12:00 Prof. Victor JUC, Director of the Institute of Legal, Political and Sociological Research, Republic of Moldova

Peace and security in the context of the global conflict model


12:30 Conclusions. Adoption of the Appeal for supporting basic sciences.

Closure of the Conference
