Evenimente organizate de Consiliul Științific Internațional

Unique visitors: 1103


  • 4 December, 14:00 – 15:30 UTC: Upon request by several Members, the ISC is facilitating the virtual knowledge sharing session on climate change featuring interventions from representatives of ISC Affiliated Bodies who will share the latest developments in climate science, present their flagships activities, and highlight opportunities for collaboration. Please join us and feel free to pass on the invitation to your members: https://council.science/events/knowledge-sharing-climate-change/.
  • 6 December, 18:30 – 20:00 Dubai time/14:30 UTC (hybrid): Jointly hosted by the ISC and The Royal Society, the side event “Better understanding economic impacts of climate change and accelerating science-based climate action” will include speakers such as Jim Skea (IPCC Chair) as well as ISC Fellows Prof. Zakri Abdul Hamid and Tollu Oni: https://council.science/events/cop-28-science-based-climate-action/.
  • 11 December, 14:00 – 15:30 UTC: Jointly organised by the ISC in partnership with the UNDESA, IIASA and Future Africa, the Zoom session “Advancing Climate Action and SDGs Synergies – Way Forward” will present key benefits for tackling climate and SDGs together, discuss current barriers and enablers for the synergistic action, and outline a framework and existing approaches for synergistic action: https://council.science/events/advancing-climate-action-and-sdgs-synergies/.