Consiliul Științific Internațional - Evenimente și Oportunități

Vizitatori unici: 851

1.  Call for nominations of experts to advise the 7th edition of the UNEP Global Environment Outlook (GEO-7)
For ISC Members only

The ISC invites all Members to nominate experts to become part of the Multidisciplinary Expert Scientific Advisory Group (MESAG) to advise on the scientific credibility of the seventh edition of the Global Environment Outlook (GEO-7 – assessment and its accompanying Summary for Policymakers. The MESAG will be tasked with providing guidance to the United Nations Environment Programme’s Executive Director, authors and experts and will meet regularly, virtually and physically, to develop recommendations to help move the process forward. Nominees should be available to participate in the MESAG for the entire period of the preparation and finalization of GEO-7, which will most likely end before mid-2025.

More information about the responsibilities of the MESAG and selection process:

Please nominate (or self-nominate) experts by 5 December via

2. Call for applications for the AASSREC Mentoring Initiative
For ISC Members and your networks

ISC Member, the Association of Asian Social Science Research Councils (AASSREC) seeks social scientists to participate in a new pilot mentoring program to support early and mid-career researchers in the Asia-Pacific region, especially in the most under-resourced, least advantaged areas. The AASSREC Mentoring Initiative provides informal mentoring support and research career development guidance to social science researchers.

Mentors and mentees can nominate by 30 November:

3. Opportunities within the ISC community
For ISC Members and your networks

  • Call for expressions of interest to establish regional nodes of the African Open Science Platform (deadline: 25 November)
  • Apply for the SG Academies South-East Asia Fellowship Programme for postgraduate researchers from South-East Asia (deadline: 30 November)
  • Apply for the Frontiers Planet Prize (deadline: 1 December)
  • Apply for the Malaysian ArtScience Prize 2022 (deadline: 1 December)

4. Events within the ISC community
For ISC Members and your networks


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