Message from the President following the ISC extraordinary General Assembly 28-29 February 2024

Vizitatori unici: 1422

To: All Members of the International Science Council (ISC)

Dear colleagues,

The past 15 months have been marked by an intensive and exhaustive effort to review the Statutes and Rules of Procedure for the ISC. This task, inherently difficult and complex, could not have been achieved without the dedication and hard work of everyone involved. I extend my heartfelt thanks to the Working Group on Constitutional Reform, led by Dame Julie Maxton, and to all of you who participated in numerous Zoom calls, meetings and interactions with myself and the Secretariat.

Given the diverse membership of the ISC, achieving a high level of consensus was crucial. I am pleased to report that the results of the General Assembly and the voting process reflect this, with 90% of voting Members supporting the new Statutes and Rules of Procedure.

More importantly, the discussions surrounding the revision of the Statutes have fostered frank and collegial dialogue among Members about the ISC's aspirations and goals. It is vital that we continue to capture this spirit in our strategic planning in the months ahead.

The revised Statutes not only reaffirm the vision and mission of the Council but also clarify its role as the Global Voice for Science.

In the coming weeks, we will initiate a consultation process to collectively identify our priorities. The ISC plays a unique and critical role, representing the broad spectrum of the scientific community to both the multilateral system and those influencing science policy, from the local to the global level. At a time when global and regional cooperation is increasingly challenging yet paramount, science faces significant obstacles, including the risk to trust in science. Without this trust, science cannot be effectively utilized, and societies cannot flourish.

We are confronted with a multitude of challenges – sociological, demographic, economic, mental and physical health, resource scarcity, food, water, energy, environmental issues, climate change, technological advancements and political instability. Now more than ever, the world needs science to be applied effectively across all dimensions, from discovery to application. The new Statutes position the ISC to advocate for and protect science for the global public good.

I thank you for your support and commitment and look forward to your further engagement as the ISC moves forward with a critical but difficult and complex mission.

Following the acceptance of the new Statutes and Rules of Procedure, one immediate task is to form the Nominations and Elections Committee. More details here:


Best regards,




