Science Sections
According to the scientific fields, the Academy of Sciences of Moldova brings together the following sections of science:
Life Sciences Section
Exact and Engineering Sciences Section
Social, Economics, Humanities and Arts Sciences Section
North Section (Balti branch)
The science Sections bring together full members, correspondent members and 15 members (researchers) from the specific fields of the science sections, chosen by competition, for a period of 4 years, but not more than two consecutive terms, based on a regulation approved by the Government. One member can only work in one Scientific Section.
The management of the science Section is provided by the head and deputy-head of the science section.
The highest representative body of the science section is the General Assembly of the science section, consisting of full members, correspondent members and 15 members from the specific fields of the section.
In order to efficient management of its activity, the science section is an office with the head and the scientific secretary of the section.
The General Assembly of the science section ensures the implementation of the duties of the Academy of Sciences specified in p.7 of the Statute of the ASM.
The duties of the science sections:
- sets the priorities of research and innovation area according to the field of competences;
- promotes the development of science at national level in the field of competence;
- organizes, at the request of the central specialized bodies of RM, with the participation of the interested parties, the public examination of the results within the research and innovation projects in the field of competence, including those financed from the state budget;
- contributes to the elaboration of the report on the state of science, with the reflection of the elaborated policies and the way of their implementation at national level;
- promotes the science and culture, values and deontological principles of research and innovation;