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The Academy of Sciences of Moldova in collaboration with the Romanian Academy is organizing on June 28, 2023, the International Scientific Conference "Science and Art for Peace". The Conference will take place in the Blue Hall of the ASM, starting from 14:00.
Opening of the Conference
Acad. Ion Tiginyanu, president of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova
Acad. Ioan Aurel Pop, president of the Romanian Academy
Welcome messages
Prof. Klaus Mainzer, president of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts
Ms. Olesya Yurchenko, first-secretary at the Embassy of Ukraine in the Republic of Moldova
Dr. Andrei Chiciuc, president of the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Education and Research
1. Academician Mihai CIMPOI "The Peace in the Romanian Literature"
2. Academician Gheorghe MUSTEA "Music and Peace"
3. Prof. Constantin RUSNAC "UNESCO: Promoting the culture of peace"
4. Dr. hab. Liliana CONDRATICOVA "Support of the artists in building peace"
The Conference is organized in the context of the Plan for joint activities approved on April 4th, 2023 by the leaderships of the Romanian Academy and Academy of Sciences of Moldova. After communications, the documentary movie "On the Footsteps of the War" will be projected. The movie was realized recently by Ms. Viorica TĂTARU and Mr. Andrei CAPTARENCO on the territory of Ukraine.
The members of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova and Romanian Academy, directors of institutes and agencies, rectors of higher education institutions, researchers and everyone interested in fine arts, building a free, peaceful and sustainable society are invited to attend the event.
Participation is possible in a hybrid format, with a physical presence in the Blue Hall of ASM or online. The link to the ZOOM platform is available at: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81968373367?pwd=R2xJcWtUWGprRzFXd3BBV2g4UXlBUT09
Meeting ID: 819 6837 3367; Code: 280623.
The international scientific conference will be live streamed by the Information Society Development Institute at the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FI8mG2aOlkM and Privesc.Eu platform at the link: https://www.privesc.eu/Arhiva/103146/Conferinta-stiintifica-internationala--Stiinta-si-Arta-pentru-Pace-.
The event is open to media representatives.
Tatiana ROTARU