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On November 22nd, 2022, at 11:00 a.m., the Academy of Sciences of Moldova and the Romanian Academy organize the International Scientific Conference "George Emil Palade - The Father of Modern Cell Biology"
The event is dedicated to the commemoration of the scientist George Emil Palade, Laureate of the Nobel Prize for Medicine (1974), Member of the US Academy of Sciences (1961), Honorary Member of the Romanian Academy (1975), Knight of the National Order "Star of Romania" in the degree by Colan (2007). The scientist was born in 1912 in Iasi, Romania and died in 2008, in the USA.
The Conference will take place simultaneously in the Conference Hall of the Romanian Academy and in the Blue Hall of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova.
Opening of the event, greetings
Acad. Ioan-Aurel Pop, president of the Romanian Academy,
Acad. Ion Tighineanu, president of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova
Prof. George Emil Palade - The father of modern cell biology
Acad. Maya Simionescu, president of the Biological Sciences Section of the Romanian Academy
Research on protein secretion in the footsteps of George Palade
Prof. Randy W. Schekman, University of California/Berkeley, USA, Nobel Prize Laureate for Medicine, Honorary Member of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova
In the Conference Hall of the Romanian Academy, Romfilatelia will launch a philatelic product: GEORGE EMIL PALADE - 110 years since his birth.
Acad. Viorel Barbu, president of the Iași Branch of the Romanian Academy
Acad. Eva Gudumac, deputy head of the Life Sciences Section, AȘM
Acad. Mihai Cimpoi, president of the Consultative Council of Academicians, AȘM
At the same time, starting at 10:00, in the Golden Hall of the AȘM, the National Exhibition "Medics for Peace", organized by the Academy of Sciences of Moldova and the "Nicolae Testemițanu" State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, will be held.
Media representatives are invited to the event. The event will take place in a mixed format and will be transmitted live-stream by the Institute for the Development of the Information Society via the link
Eugenia Tofan,